About Foodbar Zilvr

The history

Foodbar Zilvr

Foodbar Zilvr is part of the coziest street in Wageningen. Located in a historic building next to Cafe Loburg, Zilvr has everything you need to provide an unforgettable evening. Enjoy a delicious drinks board or a surprise of tasty dishes by the chef. The refined dishes, beautiful formatting, cozy atmosphere and warm service make for a complete evening out!

Horeca Foodbar Zlvr

The beginning

The history of our property goes back to about the year 1600.
No one knows exactly when the house was built, so that plus the first occupants remains a mystery.
Before 1643, the first known residents were N.N Lemminck, Cornet.
Anton Zeven, in his “Who lived where in Wageningen,” mentions residents on this site since 1643, which does not say anything about the age of the present building, but does say that there was a building there.

The bird’s eye view map of Wageningen by Nicolaes Geelkercken (ca. 1640) does not provide useful information for this part of Herenstraat. The building does appear on these maps as a low building with a longitudinal dormer and a rear house with a transverse roof. This allows us to deduce that it must have been built in about the early to mid-1600s.

The old street

At that time, Heerenstraat, then called Achterstraat, was a lower parallel street to Hoogstraat that ended at Loburg on the corner. The Molenstraat buildings ran through where Heerenstraat is now. To level the center, Achterstraat was raised with sand mined from the current Jewish cemetery.

Once the Rhine was closer to Wageningen with a harbor at the present Veerweg area. Former wooden houses were later built in stone because of new building standards. The building was raised and the lower floor was bricked with monastic bricks. The second wooden layer later, according to fire prevention laws, also had to be replaced in stone. This second stone layer, under a raised roof, defines the current floors. The previous owner later raised the hood further to create a habitable attic.



Cadastral records (1832 to about 1985) show that nothing else changed about the size of the building. Even on the pre-cadastral map of 1812/1818, the building appears to be the same size. The series of building permits (from 1904 on) also do not show any major renovations before 1983.

The original building has a stepped gable, something that is still behind the current facade. There was no demolition, merely remodeling. In the French period, a stepped gable was passé and a gable was placed in front of it.
The lintels and lower lintel were made of natural stone which was painted to make it look like it was made of expensive natural stone. The roof tiles on the front are originally black, giving the idea that they are much more expensive slates.


Samuel Marcus Jonas, a butcher and stockman, was the first documented occupant and died in 1815. There was a butcher shop at the front and a piggery at the back. From 1856 to 1890, the store was owned by baker F. Borgers. The building also served as a plumbing and architectural firm. On Feb. 17, 1986, it was recognized as a municipal monument. In recent decades, it housed several restaurants. In 1992, Gourmet et Gourmand received permission to convert the first floor into a specialty restaurant with kitchen and restrooms. From February 2019, it will be the location of Foodbar Zilvr, following previous names such as restaurant-café Jan Steen, Keijzer and H’eerlijk.

The reviews
Of Foodbar Zilvr
Cozy dining, tasting together